Collini Milano 1937 COURTESY OF COLLINI MILANO 1937
The past 8 months have presented numerous unique challenges for the luxury apparel industry. All these challenges have been compounded by most firms steep operating costs. In Italy, in particularly, luxury fashion apparel brands are not only using the best raw materials but rather have highly skilled craftsman on staff and very little ( if any) outsourcing.
Since the pandemic, international travel, which once played a vital role for buyers and journalists to review fashion week has suddenly been curbed to the bare minimum. This season in particular, you might have noticed that events and shows have been showcased in a remote fashion. More to the point, the few in-person presentations and events had practiced social-distancing— by creating modified event spaces to adhere to strict safety guidelines.
Despite these setbacks, one of the most important lessons that I learned this year is that you have to prepare new strategies to keep the hustle moving forward. Forthright fashion brands have proven that you have less to lose if you make more than adequate preparations to take on today’s challenges.
Alongside these cultural shifts, the luxury fashion business is seeking ways to build creativity under extraordinary circumstances. The silver lining is that people are working together to help one another. In a sense, the pandemic has taught mankind to be human again. This assurance of bonding together equips the fashion industry, in the face of limited resources, with an arsenal of support for one another.
The success of Italian fashion house Collini is no coincidence. In a word, Italy is no stranger to hardship, and Carmine Rotondaro CEO and Creative Director of Collini, embodies a resilience that stems from a willingness to create luxurious and sexy style; so much so that the brand has been able to surmount even the toughest of obstacles.

Collini Milano 1937 COURTESY OF COLLINI MILANO 1937
